Introduction Post!

Hey guys! This is my first ever blog post which I have been planning out for a while now, so I am super excited to actually get this going! I'm going to quickly run through what I will be posting on this for you guys so you are aware what sort of content you should expect to see!

For starters I should really begin by introducing myself. I am Joshua but I am better known as RandomJosh from YouTube. I post lots of weird and, yes you guessed it, random content, ranging from beauty reviews and vlogs.

I have been doing lots of different beauty themed reviews on my channel this past year and they've been a lot of fun for me to do, hence why I wanted to take it a step further and introduce this blog, where I will be posting even more beauty themed reviews and tips and tricks which I follow in my daily life! Not only this but I will also be posting general blog posts on my life and other fun relating content around things I am passionate about!

So more about me? Well, where do I start? I am currently working as an IT apprentice, so I am a very techy kinda guy! Oh and I am also a part of the fabulous LGBT+ community! So expect a few posts surrounding LGBT+ issues or general weirdness!


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